About Pandelis Toumbelekis

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So far Pandelis Toumbelekis has created 55 blog entries.

Godparents – Why are they necessary?

Godparents – Why are they necessary? In most countries of the world, to immigrate to another country and become a permanent resident, you will require a sponsor. A sponsor has to be someone who is already a citizen or a permanent resident in that country to which you wish to emigrate and who is willing to vouch for you, look after you, help you get ‘on your feet’, find a job, find a place to live, learn the rule of the country and adopt the local way of life. Can you imagine if the new migrant did not have a [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:16+11:00October 3rd, 2014|

Saintly Married Women

Saintly Married Women In recent times, there was a monk who asked his Spiritual Elder (or Geronda) to reveal to him two examples of living Saints. He directed him to a poor house were two women sat. One was kneading bread and the other was knitting. ‘Is there anyone else living here?’ the monk asked, hoping to see someone more remarkable and saintly. They told him that their husbands were away, one in the fields, and the other at sea. Then, the monk asked them what good they had done in their lives. They told him that they had married [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:16+11:00October 3rd, 2014|

St John of Novgorod

St John of Novgorod Commemorated on September 7th St John was born in Novgorod, Russia in the 12th century to pious parents. When his parents died, John and his brother Gabriel used their inheritance to establish a monastery dedicated to Panagia, who miraculously provided for them when their funds ran out during construction. This began a life-long closeness to the Theotokos, who granted many miracles to St John and the people of Novgorod. In 1165, John was elevated to Archbishop of the city. He showed a keen awareness for the concerns of his flock and wrote letters to other bishops [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:16+11:00October 3rd, 2014|

Matthew 17: 14-23 – 10th Sunday of Matthew

Gospel Reading Matthew 17: 14-23 (10th Sunday of Matthew) In this passage, the Evangelist Matthew narrates the healing of the young epileptic. It is important to understand the context in which this healing took place. Christ had taken the three leading disciples – Peter, James and John – to Mount Tabor so that they could witness His Transfiguration. While Christ was away, the father of the young epileptic approached the remaining nine disciples to see if they could cure his son. They could not. This was despite the fact that all of the disciples had been given power by Christ [...]

2015-12-03T13:49:05+11:00October 3rd, 2014|

Our Soul is Murdered… Electronically!

Our Soul is Murdered… Electronically! To be a Christian means to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbour as yourself (Matt 22: 37-40). In practice it means that Christianity is a communal Faith, one that requires its followers to be actively involved with others. The worship of the Church is communal. We gather on Sundays together to celebrate the mystery of the Eucharist. One cannot be "saved" in a vacuum, but only as a member of the body of the Church. And our love of God alone cannot save us, if we do not love others: [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:19+11:00October 3rd, 2014|
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