About Pandelis Toumbelekis

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So far Pandelis Toumbelekis has created 55 blog entries.

Galatians 4:4-7

Epistle Reading December 25th (Galatians 4:4-7) In this brief passage, which is read on Christmas day, St Paul puts to the Galatians the entire purpose of our Lord’s Incarnation. He says that Christ took on human form and was born under the law so that He might redeem "those who were under the law" (v. 5). Redemption is critical to Christ's mission here on earth. However for St Paul, redemption is only significant because it leads to our receiving the "adoption as sons" (v. 5) by God. Redemption was for the purpose of renewing our relationship with our Creator. Christ [...]

2015-12-07T11:10:27+11:00March 7th, 2015|

Christmas . . . Xmas . . . ✗!

Christmas . . .  Xmas . . .  ✗!   In the past, perhaps up to the generation previous to ours, Christmas was celebrated with a significant insight into its meaning: that is, we commemorated the birth of Jesus Christ. As a result, the day had a considerable religious significance with corresponding relevant expressions of Church events, carol singing, exuberant Christmas decorations, giving to the poor and the needy, and real expressions of goodwill to one another. That was then. . .  when people celebrated Christmas more or less meaningfully. But things changed, somehow with rapidity. Our "Western" civilisation, discovered [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:10+11:00March 7th, 2015|

The Greatest Gift

‘He took my body. He offers me His Spirit. He gives me the treasure of eternal life, taking but also giving: He takes my body so that He may sanctify it, He gives me His Spirit so that He may save me.’ (St John Chrysostom, Homily on the Birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ). Christmas has come to be synonymous with gifts, but St John Chrysostom’s above words, delivered to his congregation at a Christmas service in Antioch in the fourth century A.D., remind us about the greatest divine gift of all. Christmas, the Incarnation of our Lord is God’s [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:10+11:00March 7th, 2015|

2015 Summer Camps

During the month of January, the Boys and Girls Omathes (Youth Fellowships) and the Men of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society held their separate annual Camps at Mangrove Mountain, about 90 minutes north of Sydney. The Boys’ and Girls’ Camps were held on the same week from the 14-18th January, whilst the Men’s Camp was held on the weekend of 30th January – 1st February. The theme of the Boys’ and Girls’ Camps was “Give me your heart” (Prov. 23:26) and that of the Men’s Camp “Each one take care how he builds” (1 Cor 3:10). A blessing of all [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:44+11:00February 5th, 2015|

Missionary Visit to St Nicholas, Canberra

On Sunday 30th November, with the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, a small group from the Greek Orthodox Christian Society, along with their families, visited the parish of St Nicholas, Canberra.  They delivered a sermon, chanted in a Byzantine choir, presented a talk and play, and exhibited Orthodox Christian books. The visit was greeted by the parish priest, Fr Petros Kipouros, with precious blessings for all.   Members of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society and their families, with Fr Petros Kipouros, at their visit to St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Parish, Canberra

2016-10-14T14:50:45+11:00December 20th, 2014|
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