Salvation: Do We Need It In Our Times? – Part B

Salvation: Do We Need It In Our Times? - Part B   Link to Part A:   Salvation is the greatest gift of God to man, and this became a reality through Jesus Christ. His sacrifice liberates man from the tyranny of sin, the main instrument of the Devil, which degrades the human person spiritually, and afterwards bodily, leading to Death first of the soul and then of the body. Since man was created by God with the potential of living eternally, but lost this potential after his Fall, he can no longer attain Salvation, as he no longer [...]

2017-09-08T10:33:56+10:00September 8th, 2017|

Salvation: Do We Need It In Our Times? – Part A

Salvation: Do We Need It In Our Times? - Part A   The concept of Salvation is as long as the history of human-kind. The word means to be saved or liberated from danger or harm. It assumes great significance in the spiritual realm, particularly since the arrival of Jesus Christ on earth. After all, this was the purpose of His arrival, to liberate man from the bondage of the devil, sin and death. In the Orthodox Church, all aspects of salvation are covered by the following definition: After the fall of original man, communication between man and God was [...]

2017-07-16T03:05:38+10:00July 16th, 2017|

Sunday Schools – the real face of Catechism

Sunday Schools - the real face of Catechism.   For the Christian, teaching the truths of the Faith to others is a major pillar of the spiritual life. Of course, the earlier we start this work in the life of the members of the Church, the more successful we are going to be in our effort. Hence, Sunday Schools have overtaken all other forms of Catechism in the life of the Church. Systematic organisation of Sunday Schools in Sydney, began in 1955 and continues, with the Grace of God to this day. These facts are well known to everyone, and [...]

2017-06-19T16:32:57+10:00April 19th, 2017|

Lose Weight, Become a Saint

Lose Weight, Become a Saint 2016 Nobel Prize Winner Scientifically Proves that Fasting is Good for Health!   The Japanese Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine this year, for discovering the processes of how cells deal with their contents. The process of autophagy (αυτο-φαγία) is a purely Greek word, meaning "self-eating". When the organism is under stress (that is, has no access to substances it uses for its health - an example is fasting), it produces increased energy using its internal resources, consuming rubbish and even disease-producing bacteria that have accumulated inside it over the [...]

2017-03-19T20:14:46+11:00December 19th, 2016|

Celebrating Without Meaning

Celebrating Without Meaning On Saturday October 1st, the Grand Final contest between the two AFL teams in Melbourne, finally took place. The mass media portrayed "the electrifying atmosphere". The enthusiasm of the people was obvious by the colourful clothes of the fans, their laughter, singing and shouting, and particularly by the parade on the day before through the streets of Melbourne, attended by thousands of people. Victory went to the Western Bulldogs and the joy of players and their fans lasted for hours, and with the hard core of fans for days. The whole affair celebrated a sports game, where [...]

2017-03-06T10:37:26+11:00October 6th, 2016|
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