Passage and Resurrection

Passage and Resurrection   There is no better introduction for the Christian celebration of Pascha [Resurrection], which the Orthodox Church has called “feast of feasts”, than the unique joy experienced by the faithful at the time, and its associated spiritual uplifting. The Christians received this feast from the Jews. But while they commemorate their exit from Egypt, we celebrate something far more important and beneficial for the whole humanity - the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. In one word, Resurrection means the entire message of Christianity, the whole content of our Faith, the complete meaning of the [...]

2018-04-14T09:13:30+10:00April 14th, 2018|

The Three Stages of Repentance

The Three Stages of Repentance   Repentance is the central theme of Christianity. It is the teaching of St John the Forerunner in preparation for the coming of the Lord and it is also the starting point of our Lord’s teaching: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” (Matt 3:2, Matt 4:17). Repentance, therefore, is in truth the beginning of the life in Christ. What is Repentance and how are we to achieve it? We may be assisted to understand and to undertake Repentance by breaking it down into three stages: Contrition Contrition, the feeling of remorse and [...]

2018-03-04T19:56:53+11:00March 4th, 2018|

The Christmas Within You

The Christmas Within You   “A new child was born for us, who was the pre-Eternal God” The Kontakion of Christmas equates the young Christ-Child with the pre-Eternal God. The child as God, the God as a child… Why during the period of Christmas is a strong emotion felt inside us, when all people, even those with a weak or those with no faith, view the unique spectacle of the young mother holding the child in her lap, surrounded by the Magi, the shepherds, the open skies and the Star from the East? Why are we so certain that there [...]

2017-12-08T09:44:57+11:00December 8th, 2017|

Wealth and Possessions

Wealth and Possessions   We live in an age where many things are assigned a dollar value. “Everything costs”. “Time is money”. The value of a business is determined by its dollar turnover. Natural disasters are rated according to the cost of the damage caused. Even people are rated on their net worth. The Church puts forward Saints Kosmas and Damian (celebrated on 1st November) as examples of the correct attitude towards money and wealth. These brothers were well educated and became doctors. They travelled widely and healed all types of illnesses in people and animals. So why are they [...]

2017-10-12T14:03:14+11:00October 12th, 2017|

The Greatest Sorrow

The Greatest Sorrow   The month of August is known otherwise as the month of Panagia. It is the month of her Dormition and her Ascension, for the Mother of our Lord truly ascended and was enthroned upon her heavenly throne, next to the majestic throne of her Son. Thus, becoming the queen of the heavens, the joy of the angels, the boast of the Apostles, jubilation of the Martyrs, glory and honour of the Saints, and for us, our hope and protection and unceasing mediator. She mediates because she cares. She cares because she is our mother and the [...]

2017-09-08T10:29:40+10:00September 8th, 2017|
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