St Sophia of Kleisoura (1883-1974)

St Sophia of Kleisoura (1883-1974)   Also known as Saint Sophia the New Ascetic of Kleisoura, Sophia Saoulidi was born in Pontus, Asia Minor, in 1883, at a time of growing hostility between the Turkish and Greek populations. Her married life was short-lived following the disappearance of her husband and the death of her new-born son. These events led Sophia to turn completely to God and marked the beginning of her ascetic way of life. In 1919, Sophia fled the tense environment in Turkey. Upon her arrival to Greece, the Mother of God appeared to her saying, “Come to my [...]

2017-10-12T14:22:35+11:00October 12th, 2017|

Gerontissa Macrina (1921-1994)

Gerontissa Macrina (1921-1994)   The life of Gerontissa Macrina is one marked by the vibrant experience of God’s grace which permeated through daily encounters with her fellow person. Born in 1921 in Asia Minor, Macrina came to Greece with her parents in the 1922 Exchange of Population, growing up in the city of Volos. At age nine Macrina was an orphan left to fend for herself and her four-year old brother. During the war she endured particular hardship, almost starving to death several times and becoming ill with pleurisy from which she was miraculously cured by the Mother of God. [...]

2017-09-08T10:46:43+10:00September 8th, 2017|

Father Hadji-George the Athonite (1809-1866)

Father Hadji-George the Athonite (1809-1866)   Cappadocia was the birthplace of many of our Faith's holy mothers and fathers. Even up to the twentieth century Cappadocia continued to bestow the blessings of saintly offspring on the Orthodox world. One such blessing came in the nineteenth century in the form of the child Gabriel. From his youth, this blessed child would seek out the monastic life in the local caves, seeking counsel from the local ascetics, to spending hours (and days) in fasting and prayer. Miracles filled his early years. The Theotokos appeared to him in church one day and, taking [...]

2017-07-16T03:30:46+10:00July 16th, 2017|

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867)

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867)   Along with St Seraphim of Sarov and Theophan the Recluse, St Ignatius Brianchaninov belonged to an exemplary class of 19th century luminaries that led the revival of monasticism in Russia. Of aristocratic lineage, the young Dimitry followed the course set for him by his parents and his society. This included attending the St Petersburg Military School. He excelled in his studies despite suffering from prolonged periods of illness. His academic achievements and distinguished character were noted by the future Tsar Nicholas I. Yet for all his success, Dimitry only desired to join a monastery. Christ [...]

2017-06-19T17:00:14+10:00April 19th, 2017|

Elder Haralambos of Dionysiou

Elder Haralambos of Dionysiou   The Athonite Elder Haralambos Dionysiatis was another of that luminous generation of eminent elders hailing from the southern region of the Athonite peninsula, the caves of Little Saint Anna. Elder Haralambos was born in Russia in 1910 to pious Greeks who had emigrated from Pontos. He was popular in the world, capable and sociable, with a bright future available to him. However the call to the angelic habit consumed him in a way no calling of a life in the world could. Even prior to the day of his renunciation, Haralambos lived in the world [...]

2017-03-19T20:34:05+11:00December 19th, 2016|
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