What can we learn from old people?

What can we learn from old people? We can learn many things from older people because whatever they are, their personalities and characteristics, good and bad are amplified in old age. Just like the very, very young, so too the very old cannot hide behind masks of politeness and civility like younger people can. Everything they are, good or bad, pours out freely, almost uncontrollably. Those who interact with the elderly will attest that every day with them is a school day, a day of learning. Some old people might teach us wisdom, understanding, patience, faith and glorification of God. [...]

2019-10-05T12:13:12+10:00October 5th, 2019|

What is the Church’s position on controversial end of life issues?

What is the Church’s position on controversial end of life issues? Firstly the Church is often at pains to point out that human life is by its very nature sacred, that is, it is intrinsically good and deserves respect and protection. Secondly, the Church and many thoughtful people are aware that suffering can be redemptive: through suffering we can grow spiritually and in other ways. Indeed, it could be that proponents of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide do not have a deep understanding of the purpose of suffering. Active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide is forbidden by the Orthodox Church. The word [...]

2019-08-26T15:49:23+10:00August 26th, 2019|

Was St Thomas a Doubter?

Was St Thomas a Doubter? When the Apostle Thomas was told that Christ had resurrected and had appeared to the other disciples, he responded that he would not believe unless he had palpable proof. So when Jesus appeared to him also, presenting him with that proof, He also stated, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29). These words have led Thomas to be labelled as “doubting”. However, to what extent was the Apostle Thomas a doubter? When the Apostle Thomas saw the resurrected Christ himself, [...]

2019-06-13T19:30:37+10:00June 13th, 2019|

Is it necessary to prepare for Holy Communion?

Is it necessary to prepare for Holy Communion?   Holy Communion, also called the Eucharist, is not merely one of a number of sacred actions. It is at the very heart of the Church, without which the Church cannot be imagined. In this sacrament we receive the very Body and Blood of Christ. The fruits of worthy participation in Holy Communion are huge. Worthy participation is “for the forgiveness of our sins”. We receive a new life, the life of the Spirit, the life of sanctity. Jesus said: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink [...]

2019-03-16T12:20:16+11:00March 16th, 2019|

What do I do if there’s no Orthodox Church near me?

What do I do if there’s no Orthodox Church near me?   When our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was asked, “teach us to pray”, he started with the words “Our Father”. He did not say “my father”. In this way he was teaching us that it is not “God and me”, rather it is “God and us”. Common worship means coming together as a group and worshipping God, with prayer, doxology, song, with our hearts, our minds and our bodies, together in one space. This is a foundational aspect, not only of the Orthodox Church, but of the whole [...]

2019-01-29T19:40:18+11:00January 29th, 2019|
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