Saints Philemon and Archippus of the Seventy
Saints Philemon and Archippus of the Seventy November 22 Listen to the Saint's life in English: Related links: Life of Apostle Philemon of the Seventy (OCA)
Saints Philemon and Archippus of the Seventy November 22 Listen to the Saint's life in English: Related links: Life of Apostle Philemon of the Seventy (OCA)
Saint Euphemia the Empress November 19 Listen to the Saint's life in English: Related links:
Saint Gregory the Wonderworker November 17 Saint Gregory the Wonderworker of Neocaesarea was born into a pagan family in which he was provided a fine education. He sought the Truth through philosophy and intellectual thought, but was not able to find it in any of the ancient authors, but only through the Holy Scriptures, and thus was baptised a Christian. Saint Gregory excelled in virtue, and for this reason, envy was aroused among the unfaithful. Once, during a conversation with philosophers in the city square, an infamous harlot approached him, demanding him to pay for the supposed services [...]
Saint Matthew the Evangelist and Apostle November 16 The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew was one of the Twelve Disciples of Christ. Before his calling as a disciple, he lived as a tax-collector for Rome, a profession looked down upon by the Jews, having the stigma of “public sinner” and “idol-worshipper”. When Jesus called Matthew to follow Him, Christ had dinner at the future evangelist’s house together with other publicans and known sinners. Matthew repented of his sins and repaid fourfold anyone he had cheated and then distributed his remaining possessions to the poor. After the descent of the [...]
Apostle Phillip November 14 Listen to the Saint's life in Greek: Related links: Philip the Apostle (GOARCH)