Ninth Ode Refrain to the Theotokos

Ninth Ode Refrain to the Theotokos This well know hymn, composed by St Kosmas the Melodist (8th century A.D) is the refrain for the 9th Biblical Ode, which is dedicated to the Mother of God. The Biblical Odes were passages selected from the Scriptures for use in the worship of the Early Church. The 9th Ode is the only ode that is from the New Testament. It is made up of the exultant words of praise to God the Virgin Mary herself spoke when she visited Elizabeth, the mother of St John the Baptist (Luke 1:46-55). In liturgical use, we [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:16+11:00October 3rd, 2014|

The Third Ode: A Prayer of Anna, the Mother of Samuel the Prophet (1 Kings 2:1-10 LXX)

         The Third Ode: A Prayer of Anna, the Mother of Samuel the Prophet (1 Kings 2:1-10 LXX) The text above is an example of a hymn from Ode 3, selected from the Orthros of Sunday of Pentecost. During the Orthros service, the Canon (a series of structured hymns) is chanted which is comprised of nine Odes based on nine Biblical Canticles; eight from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Canons are also chanted during the Compline, the most well-known being the Akathist to the Theotokos. Each Ode has a specific theme. The third [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:19+11:00August 2nd, 2014|

The Spirit of Truth

The prayer to the Holy Spirit commences as follows: ‘Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who is present everywhere and fills all things…’, showing that truth penetrates everything and is present everywhere at all times and in all places. But what is truth? When Pilate asked Jesus this very question just before the crucifixion, Jesus replied with a resounding silence, as if to show that He is the Way the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). Rationally, truth may be thought of as a philosophy or some factual proof or statement. However truth cannot be something which changes under [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:22+11:00August 2nd, 2014|

Matins Hymn of the Resurrection

Matins Hymn of the Resurrection The Orthodox Icon of the Feast of Pascha depicts Christ descending into Hades and liberating Adam from the bonds of death, while many luminaries of the Old Testament look on. Who then witnessed Christ's own Resurrection? We know that none of the four gospels describes the actual Resurrection Itself. So how can we sing and pray that we have seen the Resurrection of Christ? Has poetic license been liberally used in this Paschal hymn? St Symeon the New Theologian provides answers: "How then, does the Holy Spirit exhort us to say, “Having beheld the Resurrection [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:22+11:00June 1st, 2014|

Service of the Great Canon of St Andrew

Service of the Great Canon of St Andrew St Andrew of Crete (660-740 AD) was a bishop, born in Damascus, who served the Church in various ways until being sent to Crete, which was his final place of office. He is counted as one of the most prolific and important hymnographers of the Orthodox Church, traditionally being known as the first hymnographer to write the type of hymn known as the κανόνα (canon). Amongst his works are major hymns sung on the feasts of Christmas and of the Holy Apostles, Saints Peter and Paul. His most well known work though, [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:26+11:00April 1st, 2014|
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