St Athanasios’ Letter to Marcellinos

St Athanasios' Letter to Marcellinos In the first part of the Letter to Marcellinos, St Athanasios shows how the book of Psalms summarises the whole of the Old Testament and foreshadows the New Testament. For the remainder of the letter, he demonstrates the rich variety of the Psalms and their applicability to our own spiritual life. St Athanasios writes: "It is possible for us, therefore, to find in the Psalter not only the reflection of our own soul's state, together with precept and example for all possible conditions, but also a fit form of words wherewith to please the Lord [...]

2016-10-14T14:48:16+11:00April 24th, 2016|

St Athanasios – On the Incarnation

St Athanasios – On the Incarnation The fifth chapter of St Athanasios' On the Incarnation is titled 'The Resurrection'. For St Athanasios, the Resurrection of Christ is the ultimate purpose of Christ's incarnation (God becoming man). Without the Resurrection, Christ's coming would have been meaningless. The plan of salvation could not have been realised if Christ had died without later raising Himself from that death. The Resurrection crucially puts an end to death. And we can all exclaim "O Death, where is your victory? O Grave, where is your sting? (1 Cor 15:55). It is because Christ made death ineffective [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:25+11:00June 1st, 2014|
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