Saint Jeremiah

Saint Jeremiah May 1 Listen to the Saint's life in English: Related links: Jeremias the Prophet (GOARCH) Holy Prophet Jeremiah as a model for our lives (Mystagogy) Prophet Jeremiah (OCA) Holy Prophet Jeremiah (GOMT) Holy Prophet Jeremiah (GOMT) Jeremiah the Prophet (St John Orthodox Church)

2016-10-14T14:49:22+11:00November 18th, 2015|

Saint Mark the Evangelist

Saint Mark the Evangelist April 25 Listen to the Saint's life in Greek: Related links: Blessed Theophylact, The Explanation of the Gospel of Mark (Orthodox Bookstore) Mark the Apostle and Evangelist (GOARCH) Apostle Mark the Evangelist of the Seventy (OCA) The Life and Work of St Mark the Evangelist and Apostle ( St Mark the Evangelist as a Model for our Lives (Mystagogy) St Mark the Apostle and Evangelist (Mystagogy)

2016-10-14T14:49:25+11:00November 16th, 2015|

Saint Sabbas Stratilatis

Saint Sabbas Stratilatis April 24 Listen to the Saint's life in Greek: Related links: Martyr Sava Stratelates “the General” of Rome (OCA) Savas Stratelates (Wikipedia)

2016-10-14T14:49:25+11:00November 16th, 2015|

Apostle Nathanael

Apostle Nathanael April 20 Listen to the Saint's life in Greek: Related links: Bartholomew the Holy Apostle (GOARCH) Holy Apostle Bartholomew (Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto) Apostle Bartholomew of the Twelve (OCA) Apostle Bartholomew (OrthodoxWiki)

2016-10-14T14:49:25+11:00November 16th, 2015|

Saint John of Ioaninna

Saint John of Ioaninna April 18 Listen to the Saint's life in English: Related links: St John of Ioannina as a Model for our Lives (Mystagogy) New Martyr John the New of Ioannina (Mystagogy) Holy New Martyr John of Ioannina (Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto) John the New of Ioannina (OrthodoxWiki)

2016-10-14T14:49:25+11:00November 16th, 2015|
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