Saint Catherine the Great Martyr

Saint Catherine the Great Martyr November 25 The Great Virgin Martyr Catherine the All-Wise of Alexandria was the daughter of the governor of Alexandria Egypt. Living in the centre of Hellenistic knowledge, Catherine surpassed all in intellect in all areas of knowledge, studying the greatest philosophers and teachers of antiquity. She also possessed a rare beauty which surpassed all in Alexandria. For this reason, many suitors sought her hand in marriage, however she refused them all, seeking a man who could surpass her in nobility, wealth, comeliness, and wisdom. Catherine’s mother, a secret Christian, sent her to speak [...]

2016-11-25T13:12:44+11:00November 19th, 2015|

Saint Amphilochios, Bishop of Iconium

Saint Amphilochios, Bishop of Iconium November 23 Saint Amphilochius was born in Caesarea of Cappadocia, the home to some of the greatest Church Fathers. He was a first cousin of Saint Gregory the Theologian and a good friend of Saint Basil the Great, becoming their fervent disciple. For about forty years, the saint dwelt in the wilderness in strict asceticism until the Lord summoned him to become bishop. When the bishop of Iconium reposed, Angels visited Amphilochius three times, summoning him to serve as bishop in Iconium. The angels led the saint to a church where a whole [...]

2016-11-23T16:32:33+11:00November 19th, 2015|

Saint Gregory the Wonderworker

Saint Gregory the Wonderworker November 17 Saint Gregory the Wonderworker of Neocaesarea was born into a pagan family in which he was provided a fine education. He sought the Truth through philosophy and intellectual thought, but was not able to find it in any of the ancient authors, but only through the Holy Scriptures, and thus was baptised a Christian. Saint Gregory excelled in virtue, and for this reason, envy was aroused among the unfaithful. Once, during a conversation with philosophers in the city square, an infamous harlot approached him, demanding him to pay for the supposed services [...]

2016-11-17T21:08:50+11:00November 19th, 2015|
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