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Saint John of Damascus

Saint John of Damascus December 4 Homily on the Holy Cross Listen to the Saint's life in English: Listen to the Saint's life in Greek: Related links: Constantine Cavarnos, Saint John Damascene (Orthodox Bookstore) Brian E. Daley, On the Dormition Of Mary: Early Patristic Homilies (Orthodox Bookstore) St. John of Damascus, Three Treatises on the Divine Images (Orthodox Bookstore) John Reading, St John of Damascus On the Divine Images (Orthodox Bookstore) The Life of Saint John of Damascus (Mystagogy) Homilies of St John of Damascus (english translations, newadvent.org) Homilies of [...]

2016-11-05T12:38:13+11:00November 19th, 2015|

Saint Barbara

Saint Barbara December 4 Saint Barbara was the daughter of the rich and illustrious pagan, Dioscorus. After the death of his wife, he ensured the utmost care be taken for his daughter, and because of her extraordinary beauty and knowledge, he hid her in a tower. Here, the only contact she had with other people was when her private tutors came to teach her, and therefore, she was able to contemplate the mysteries of God, Whom she did not know. She decided that she would devote her life to finding the Creator of this world, its beauties she [...]

2016-12-05T17:25:10+11:00November 19th, 2015|

Saint Myrope

Saint Myrope December 2 Listen to the Saint's life in English: Related links: The Life of Saint Myrope (OCA) Sts. Isidore and Myrope the Great Martyrs of Chios (Full of Grace and Truth)

2016-10-14T14:48:37+11:00November 19th, 2015|

Apostle Andrew the First-called

Apostle Andrew the First-called November 30 Listen to the Saint's life in English: Listen to the Saint's life in Greek: Related links: Life of Apostle Andrew (OCA)

2016-10-14T14:48:37+11:00November 19th, 2015|

Saint Stephen the Younger

Saint Stephen the Younger November 28 Listen to the Saint's life in English: Related links: Life of St Stephen the New (Orthodox Wiki)

2016-10-14T14:48:37+11:00November 19th, 2015|
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