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The Greek Orthodox Christian Society – 60 years of Mission Work – by Prof. M. Anthony

The Greek Orthodox Christian Society was established in February 1955, by two University students, soon to be joined by a remarkable young man - now known to all, as Father Stephanos. The Society was formed for the purpose to: Cultivate an earnest Orthodox Christian life among its members - the so-called Inner Spiritual Transformation. Further the work of the Orthodox Church in Australia Train Christian workers for the spreading of the Christian Gospel, and Promote knowledge of the Greek Orthodox Faith in the wider Australian Community. [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:41+11:00November 19th, 2015|


The Greek Orthodox Christian Society (1955-2015) Special: '60 years of Mission Work' - by the President of 50 years Prof. Michael Anthony It was sixty years ago that the Christian Society of Greek Youth timidly appeared amongst the Greek Community of Sydney. Initially, it was an imperceptible presence, two students with one specific spiritual vision. The dissemination of the Word of God to our Greek Orthodox brothers and sisters. Slowly, slowly, other young men joined them. All with, “one soul, one pulse and one heart.” The Archdiocese of Australia gives its blessing. The All-Good God guides and adds to [...]

2023-03-08T09:43:10+11:00November 19th, 2015|

Weekly Meetings

The Orthodox Christian Society meets on most Saturday nights during the year. In the groups we have the opportunity to undertake Bible study, consider the life of a Saint, the writings of the Fathers or issues that relate to our Spiritual life in today’s world. Many of those in attendance are involved in the work of Sunday Schools, and we find that meeting on Saturday nights helps both preparing for Sunday School the next day, but more importantly for participation in the Divine Liturgy. The meetings provide a forum to study the Bible, the lives of Saints and spiritual matters [...]

2023-03-08T09:45:21+11:00November 18th, 2015|

The Dormition of the Theotokos

The Dormition of the Theotokos August 15 Learn about this feast day (in English): Learn about this feast day (in Greek): Related links: Catherine Aslanoff, The Incarnate God: The Feasts of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary (2 Volume Set) (Orthodox Bookstore) Brian E. Daley, On the Dormition Of Mary: Early Patristic Homilies (Orthodox Bookstore) Holy Apostles Convent, The Life of the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos (Orthodox Bookstore) Dormition Resource Page (Mystagogy) The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary (GOARCH) St John of [...]

2016-10-14T14:49:00+11:00November 18th, 2015|

Saint Evdokia

Saint Evdokia August 13 Listen to the Saint's life in Greek: Related links: The Holy Righteous Martyr Evdokia the Samaritan (GOARCH)

2016-10-14T14:49:00+11:00November 18th, 2015|
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