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Saints and Feasts

1. Saint Basil the Great 6. Holy Epiphany 7. Saint John the Baptist 11. Saint Theodosios 14. Saint Savas the Serbian 15. Saint Paul of Thebes 16. Saint Damaskinos 16. Veneration of the Chains of Saint Peter 20. Saint Euthimios the Great 22. Apostle Timothy 22. Saint Anastasius the Persian 25. Saint Gregory the Theologian 28. Saint Ephraim the Syrian 30. Saint Chrisi 30. Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs 2. Presentation of our Lord in the Temple 3. Saint Vlasios of Caesarea 4. Saint Abrahamios 5. Saint Agatha the Martyr 6. Saint Photios, Patriarch of Constantinople 7. Saint Luke of [...]

2017-05-11T22:13:35+10:00September 30th, 2015|


Youth Fellowships (Ομάδες) The Orthodox Youth Fellowships (Ομάδες) are groups where young people of high school age learn about how to live their Orthodox Christian Faith together with true friends who share the same goals in life with each other. At Ομάδα young people can develop friendships that will last forever and more importantly, develop a living relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. . They meet weekly on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon for a couple of hours, playing indoor and outdoor games, singing, hearing and participating in lessons on many aspects of our Faith. Lessons can cover [...]

2023-03-08T09:24:32+11:00September 30th, 2015|

Sunday School

“Let the children come to Me, so not to hinder them; for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Mark 10:14-15). One of the most important ministries of the Church since Apostolic times has been to see to the spiritual education (κατήχησις-catechism) of its members and especially the children. The greatest gift, the most precious inheritance we can give to our children is our Orthodox Christian Faith. Jesus makes it clear that He wants children to come to know Him, [...]

2016-10-14T14:49:53+11:00September 30th, 2015|
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