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The Saints Invade the Present

The Saints Invade the Present In the last few years, the Orthodox Church has declared as Saints several men who were known to her devout members, as pious and sincere Christians. They included Russians, Serbians, and in rapid succession three from Greece - Saint Nicholas Planas (March 2012), Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia (December 2013), who lived most of his life in Athens, and Saint Paisios of Mount Athos (January 2015). The announcement by the Ecumenical Patriarchate caused a surge in popular piety, as all three Greek Saints were very close to the people through most of their lives, were well [...]

2016-10-14T14:49:56+11:00September 8th, 2015|

The Vision of God

In Exodus 33:18 Moses asks God: “Please, show me Your glory”! But the vision of God as presented in the Holy Scriptures may sometimes appear contradictory. Some passages characterise such a vision as impossible whereas others state the opposite. From the Old Testament, we read: “the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend”. At the same time a few verses later God tells Moses: “You cannot see My face, for no man can see My face and live” (Exodus 33:11,20). Likewise, in the New Testament Christ teaches: “blessed are the pure in heart [...]

2016-10-14T14:49:58+11:00September 8th, 2015|

Mid-Year Retreats 2015

During the months of June-August, the Boys and Girls Fellowships (Ομάδες), as well as the young men of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society held their separate mid-year retreats at Mangrove Mountain, about 90 minutes north of Sydney. The Boys mid-year retreats were spread over three weekends in June-July, with 60 boys attending and 12 leaders overall. The Girls retreat took place on the first weekend of the July winter holidays. Approximately 30 girls and leaders attended, with the theme of their Retreat was: "Give me your heart". The girls discussed the importance of developing a relationship with Christ, learning to [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:41+11:00September 5th, 2015|

Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia

Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia Commemorated on December 2nd Elder Porphyrios was born in 1906 in Euboea to pious parents. He worked as a shepherd boy when he was eight years old and came across a booklet about Saint John the Hut-Dweller which he read with great difficulty as he was uneducated. Deeply touched by the life of the saint, at twelve years of age, he secretly left for the Holy Mount Athos. Here, he met his spiritual father who guided him until his own repose. After some time, he had to return to Euboea because of illness. Here, at 18 [...]

2016-12-05T17:25:03+11:00August 2nd, 2015|

Matthew 9:36-10:8 – Feast of the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles

Gospel Reading June 30th (Matthew 9:36-10:8) Feast of the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles This Gospel passage concerns the first mission that Jesus entrusted to the Apostles during His public ministry. The term “Apostle” is of Greek origin and means “to be sent out”. At the outset, the passage describes the significance of the Apostles’ mission. The people of Israel were in a dire spiritual state. Despite having the Mosaic Law and the leadership of the Pharisees, they were like sheep with “no shepherd” (verse 36). Professor Trembelas[1], in his commentary on this passage, notes that we in fact know [...]

2015-12-02T10:41:01+11:00August 2nd, 2015|
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