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Overview of 2014 Missionary Visit to Indonesia

Overview of 2014 Missionary Visit to Indonesia In November 2012, with the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos and His Eminence Metropolitan Konstantinos of Singapore, eight men from the Greek Orthodox Christian Society travelled to Medan, Indonesia, for a ten-day medical and missionary visit at the request of Fr Chrysostomos Manalu, an Orthodox priest of Indonesian background. Over the last 2 years, Lychnos has published a number of articles outlining various aspects of this visit. Towards the end of 2014, nine members of the Orthodox Christian Society revisited Indonesia again. This article will reflect on their relationship with the [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:02+11:00June 7th, 2015|

The Easter Candle (Λαμπάδα)

The Easter Candle (Λαμπάδα) It is approaching MIDNIGHT. The church is shrouded in darkness... only one solitary flame flickers gently in the altar unseen behind closed doors. Anticipation hangs in the air... Silence... as with bated breath we wait with unlit candles and prepare for the announcement from the Liturgist... “come  receive the light from the never-setting light; and glorify Christ, Who has risen from the dead”. No longer does death have a hold, CHRIST IS RISEN! The light spreads quickly as the community of faithful pass it on, person to person, candle to candle. The wonderful mystery of the [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:02+11:00June 7th, 2015|

Why would God voluntarily choose to give Himself up?

Why would God voluntarily choose to give Himself up? The origin of our salvation goes back to Adam and Eve. The Scriptures tell us that God made humans in His image and likeness. He did this so that we could all share in His glory. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they placed a great chasm between themselves and God. We have inherited this fallen state. No matter what we do or how we live, we are too small and sinful to repair this chasm. God, on the other hand, could pluck us out of this world and place us [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:02+11:00June 7th, 2015|

St Macrina the Elder

St Macrina the Elder Celebrated on May 30th (and January 14th) St Macrina the Elder was the family root of a distinguished lineage of Saints that included St Macrina the Younger, St Basil the Great and St Gregory of Nyssa. She was born in Neocaesarea in Pontus, Asia Minor, to pagan parents sometime before 270 AD. She married and became Christian through the teachings of St Gregory the Wonderworker. Because of their faith, Macrina and her husband were persecuted under Emperor Maximian around 305-306 AD, and escaped into the Pontian mountains. They lived in-hiding there for seven years, protected and [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:03+11:00June 7th, 2015|

Mark 16:1-8 – Midnight Resurrection Service

Gospel Reading April 12th Midnight Resurrection Service Mark 16:1-8 This passage recounts the dramatic events that unfolded after the Crucifixion. We read that because Christ died so close to the Sabbath, the burial customs of the Jews had not yet been completed. Therefore, the faithful myrrh-bearing women, Mary Magdalene and Salome, went as early as possible to the tomb of Christ to complete the burial rites. When the women arrived at the tomb, they were surprised to see that the stone that was covering the entrance had already been rolled away. The women then entered the tomb and they saw [...]

2015-12-07T12:43:14+11:00June 7th, 2015|
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