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Holy Cross Monastery

Throughout the years, the sisterhood has been engaged in ongoing construction work. Stage 1 of the project was the building of the monastic quarters. Stage 2 is the main Church (currently under construction) and stage 3, the visitors building (future development). The monastery follows the coenobitic rule of monastic life: a sisterhood of nuns holding all things in common, who keep a daily schedule of prayer and work under obedience. The feast days of the monastery are 14th September and the 28th July. Pilgrims are welcome to visit the monastery on appointment by phone (02) 4374 1657 or email: holycrossmonastery@bigpond.com. If you would [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:45+11:00August 8th, 2014|

Thoughts and How to Confront Them – by Hiermonk Benedict of Holy Mount Athos

Thoughts and How to Confront Them by Hiermonk Benedict of Holy Mount Athos Published by The Attendants of Hiermonk Spyridon, New Skiti, Holy Mount Athos, 2002. This booklet has much to teach us about how to control our thoughts. To begin with, most of our sinful thoughts are caused by our many passions. It is the devil's aim to cast us into sin, either through thoughts or the performance of the sinful act itself. Such sinful thoughts can be overcome by prayer, Confession, reading spiritual books, doing the right thing according to our conscience, partaking in regular Holy Communion, and [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:19+11:00August 2nd, 2014|

St Euphemia and the Council of Chalcedon

St Euphemia and the Council of Chalcedon When heresies arise in the Orthodox Church, the Truth is always defended by the Saints of God. In the case of the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, the Truth was revealed by a miracle of St Euphemia. Two sides were arguing in this Council over one question: what was Jesus Christ: Man, or God? The Monophysites, the heretics, argued that Christ was only Divine, not really human at all. The Orthodox, on the other hand, believed that He was both, at once, equally. These two groups spoke for months on this issue, but neither [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:19+11:00August 2nd, 2014|

St Gregory the Theologian – 31st Oration – “On the Holy Spirit”

St Gregory the Theologian – 31st Oration – “On the Holy Spirit” St Gregory the Theologian was one of the pre-eminent defenders of the Orthodox dogma of the Holy Spirit at a time when various heretical groups were attacking the Church. One group were called Pneumatomachoi i.e. fighters against the Holy Spirit. In this oration, St Gregory forcefully insists on the divinity of the Holy Trinity: “As to the Spirit, listen well; we profess the Spirit as God. I repeat: You are my God. And, for the third time, I shout: the Spirit is God”. One of the main heretical [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:19+11:00August 2nd, 2014|

The Third Ode: A Prayer of Anna, the Mother of Samuel the Prophet (1 Kings 2:1-10 LXX)

         The Third Ode: A Prayer of Anna, the Mother of Samuel the Prophet (1 Kings 2:1-10 LXX) The text above is an example of a hymn from Ode 3, selected from the Orthros of Sunday of Pentecost. During the Orthros service, the Canon (a series of structured hymns) is chanted which is comprised of nine Odes based on nine Biblical Canticles; eight from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Canons are also chanted during the Compline, the most well-known being the Akathist to the Theotokos. Each Ode has a specific theme. The third [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:19+11:00August 2nd, 2014|
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