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The last of our oil I give to you, Panagia!

Miracles of our Times The last of our oil I give to you, Panagia!   It is 24 March 1942 and the Second World War is waging across Europe. Shortages, sickness, hunger everywhere. I am in my home town of Drama in occupied Northern Greece, where I have an aunt who lives here. She is a widow with five children: her husband died in the fighting of 29 September 1941. On this the eve of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, my aunt takes stock of her meagre food store. All she has left is a thimble full of olive oil [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:32+11:00January 30th, 2014|

Translation of the Relics of Theodore the Studite

Commemorated on January 26th On the 26th of January, we remember the Translation of the Relics of our Holy Father Theodore the “Studite” (a name derived from the Monastery of Studium) and his brother, Joseph of Thessalonica. St. Theodore was born in AD 759 to an aristocratic family in Constantinople. Theodore’s maternal uncle, Plato, was a monk who also became a Saint. Plato was an inspiration for Theodore and all his family. The family gave up their comfortable life in the world and dedicated themselves to Christ. Theodore became a monk at the Symbola monastery in Bithynia, and soon became [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:32+11:00January 30th, 2014|

Christ is Born, Give Glory!

Glancing at the first line from the first Ode of the Canon of the Nativity, we are reminded of the miraculous nature of birth of Jesus. So miraculous, that the whole universe anticipated it for thousands of years, the heavens offer a dancing star, the earth a welcoming cave, the angels praise Him with the shepherds and the Magi arrive bearing gifts. The Virgin offers her womb and we… well we can do nothing but give glory for ‘Christ is upon earth’, Immanuel, Christ is with us (Isaiah 7:14)! Looking at the icon of the Nativity of Christ, we notice [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:32+11:00January 30th, 2014|

Sunday School Concerts 2013

Throughout November and December, the Sunday Schools of Sydney held their annual concerts to mark the end of another Sunday School year of learning about God’s Word, His Church, and His Saints. This year, the children also entered a competition according to their class group age: in each category, certificates were given out to the top 25 students and book prizes were awarded to the top six. The Infants students had to design a poster appropriate as a cover page for the Sunday School folders that students bring to class. The Primary School students had to create a project based [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:49+11:00December 22nd, 2013|

Sunday School Camp 2013

This year’s Sunday School Camp was held on 24-26 September at Challenge Ranch in Somersby, about an hour north of Sydney. It represented the 10th year the camps have been running, accommodating children aged 10-12 from various Greek Orthodox parishes of Sydney as well as some students from scripture classes. This year, 83 students and 15 leaders attended, with the theme of the camp being "Sacred Sites". The children were divided into five groups, each group examining one of the following sites: St Sophia in Constantinople, St Demetrios in Thessalonike, Great Meteoro monastery at Meteora, Mega Spelaio monastery near Kalavryta [...]

2016-10-14T14:50:49+11:00November 30th, 2013|
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