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We are heirs of God through Christ (Galatians 4:4-7)

We are heirs of God through Christ (Galatians 4:4-7)   There are many striking features to this passage, which is read on Christmas. Although it is the shortest reading in the Orthodox Church year, these four verses summarise the essence of the Christian message: how Christ fundamentally changes our relationship with God from a slave obedient to the Law (before the advent Christ) to the freedom of sonship. It was God’s plan from the beginning of creation to provide a way to save man. In verse 4, the “fullness of time” refers to the historic significance of Jesus’ birth (God [...]

2021-07-09T16:19:23+10:00January 9th, 2021|

What is the significance of the blessing of the waters?

What is the significance of the blessing of the waters? The feast of Epiphany celebrates the Baptism of Christ by St John the Forerunner. On this day, and on the day before (5 January), the Church performs the Great Blessing Service during which the Bishop or Priest calls upon the Holy Spirit to bless the waters. In many parts of the world around this time there is also another Blessing Service during which huge crowds go to the sea or river and those waters are blessed as well. As we all know, we use water to clean. St John of [...]

2021-07-09T13:00:59+10:00January 9th, 2021|

A New Beginning

A New Beginning This year was definitely one for the history books with so many changes, rules and restrictions that affected all people everywhere. These life changing events included lockdowns, isolation, quarantine, wearing face masks, working from home, worshipping from home, panic buying, religious and national days cancelled and so on. Some time ago, another life changing event happened. However this was not life threatening and to the dread of humanity, but rather it brought life and was in accordance with God’s perfect will and absolute love for us. This event surpassed all historical events before and since, being the [...]

2021-07-09T09:17:31+10:00January 9th, 2021|

St Herman of Alaska Wonderworker of America (Commemorated on 13 December)

St Herman of Alaska Wonderworker of America (Commemorated on 13 December) Saint Herman was born in 1756 in Serpukhov, Russia and had a great zeal for Christ from his youth. At the age of sixteen he had a miraculous encounter when visiting the Holy Trinity-Sergius Hermitage near St Petersburg. He had noticed a sore on his neck that began to grow large, making it difficult for him to swallow and disfiguring his face. He remained inside his cell and prayed unceasingly before the icon of the Theotokos until he fell asleep. In the morning the sore had disappeared. After five [...]

2021-07-09T10:15:54+10:00January 9th, 2021|

Our Byzantine Heritage – A Proud Past!

Our Byzantine Heritage - A Proud Past! The Byzantine Empire had its origin in the early 4th century when Constantine the Great moved Rome, which was then the capital of the Roman Empire, to a little-known Hellenic town of Byzantium. This town straddled the Straits of Bosporus, in today’s Turkey, and it marks the meeting point between Asia and Europe. The view from the shore was unbelievably exotic, littered with numerous little beaches in the beautifully expansive Sea of Marmara on one end, and the Straits of Dardanelles at the other end. The site was strategic in controlling trade between [...]

2021-07-09T10:04:37+10:00January 9th, 2021|
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