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St Kallinikos of Edessa

St Kallinikos of Edessa   St Kallinikos of Edessa is a very recent Saint of our Church who was canonised on 23 June 2020. He was born in the village of Sitaralona, Agrinio in 1919 and was named Dimitrios Poulos. After graduating from high school, he entered the Theological School of the University of Athens where he excelled. In 1946, aged 27, he enlisted in the Special Forces of the Greek Army and served with distinction. Returning to the Holy Diocese of Aetolia, he again assumed the duties of Secretary and a layman preacher. He was tonsured as a monk [...]

2020-09-07T16:03:29+10:00September 7th, 2020|

Ezekiel’s Vision

Ezekiel’s Vision   The Prophet Ezekiel ministered to Israel in the 6th century BC. He was a contemporary of the prophets Daniel and Jeremiah. The Book of Ezekiel records several visions he saw from God. Visions are difficult to understand and interpret as they involve an attempt to describe – with human language – things that “eye has not seen, nor ear heard” (1 Corinthians 2:9). One such vision was Ezekiel’s vision of God and the four creatures in Chapter 1. Ezekiel describes seeing “four living creatures”, each with four faces and four wings (v 5 and 6). We later [...]

2020-09-07T15:56:36+10:00September 7th, 2020|

The Holy Icon of the Dormition

The Holy Icon of the Dormition   “From the moment Christ is born of a Mother who can be depicted, He naturally has an image which corresponds to that of His Mother. If He could not be represented by art, this would mean that He was not born of a Mother who can be depicted, but was born only of the Father and that He was not Incarnate. But this contradicts the whole divine economy of our salvation.”   These inspired words of St Theodore the Studite help us in two ways. Firstly, they emphasise the importance of the Theotokos [...]

2020-09-07T15:52:56+10:00September 7th, 2020|

St John of Damascus on the Dormition

St John of Damascus on the Dormition   This great Saint of our Church gave three homilies on the Dormition, which are believed to have been given at the all-night vigils held at the Church of the Theotokos’ tomb in Gethsemane. The first homily delves into the life of Panagia and her role in the Incarnation. After going through her connection to the Old Testament and her life, it ends on a description of her tomb as a place of life and healing. The second homily is the longest. It covers in greater detail the death, funeral and glorious assumption [...]

2020-09-07T15:45:17+10:00September 7th, 2020|

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:23-35)

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:23-35)   This parable where the servant whose debt is forgiven by his master, but does not himself forgive the debt owed to himself, emphasises the centrality of forgiveness in a Christian’s life. What is the debt owed by the servant to the king? Jesus gives the answer with the greatest commandment “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matt 22:37). The debt is the inequality of love between God and man. Simply put, He loves us much more than [...]

2020-09-07T15:40:31+10:00September 7th, 2020|
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