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How has COVID-19 created opportunities for spiritual growth?

How has COVID-19 created opportunities for spiritual growth?   Almost every person who has taken the time to reflect on COVID-19 notices that these are unique times. For the first time, many of us have been required to socially distance, or wear face masks. But diseases and pandemics have been a part of human life since the beginning. Our opportunity lies in how we deal with them and how we use these unique times for our benefit. Let’s start with the simple things. We were asked to keep away from each other to limit the risk of infection. Social places [...]

2020-09-07T15:38:41+10:00September 7th, 2020|

Our Holy Father Myron, Bishop of Crete (Commemorated 8 August)

Our Holy Father Myron, Bishop of Crete (Commemorated 8 August) In 250 AD, amidst the stench and darkness of idolatry, a sweet smelling aroma emerged on the island of Crete. It was St Myron, who was born into an agricultural family in the village of Rafkos (near Knossos). His parents were devout and he learnt from a young age to have faith in God. St Myron distinguished himself in charity and compassion and he used to say that wherever there are poor, greed had previously been there. He married early and cultivated both the land and all the virtues. Every [...]

2020-09-07T15:35:43+10:00September 7th, 2020|

Divine Providence and Human Anxiety

Divine Providence and Human Anxiety In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus proposes that the life of the faithful should depend entirely on the Providence of God. This concept appears to be in direct contrast with the contemporary way of materially focused life. Whereas all those who want to follow Him should live a life exclusively dedicated to God, and not care about money and wealth (mammon). This clear-cut attitude of Jesus appears to imply that the Christian life and the pursuit of wealth, even if created by dedicated and honest work, are incompatible. Jesus could not have [...]

2020-09-07T15:24:07+10:00September 7th, 2020|

Giver of Light

Giver of Light When Christ was transfigured on Mount Tabor, His chosen disciples were blinded by the light which emanated from His person such that they could not bear to face Him. And yet that same light warmed them and attracted them, prompting Peter to plead with the Lord that they be allowed to remain there. In the dismissal hymn we call our Lord the “Giver of light.” Why is He the “Giver of light”? Christ’s teachings, His sacrifice and His resurrection are all light but more importantly, God Himself is the Light. Christ is Light and He was sent [...]

2020-09-07T15:18:26+10:00September 7th, 2020|


Ordination During His ministry Jesus appointed the twelve Apostles to continue his work. As eye witnesses of the Death and Resurrection of Christ they became confessors of the Truth of the Gospel. The Apostles were sent to proclaim the Gospel through preaching, teaching, bearing witness to the Kingdom of God, and through miracles in the Holy Spirit. “And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (Mt 10:7-8). The Apostles were not just conveying Christ’s teachings and preserving [...]

2020-06-28T14:34:54+10:00June 28th, 2020|
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