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The Theory of Evolution

The Theory of Evolution   The theory of evolution was developed by Charles Darwin (and supported by others such as Alfred and Wallace, Joachim Barrande). It proposes that all life is related and descended from a common ancestor. Darwin states in The Origin of Species that evolution is a gradual process where complex creatures have naturally evolved over time from more simplistic ancestors. He purports that as random genetic mutations occur within the genetic code of an organism, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival. Over time, the beneficial mutations accumulate, resulting in an entirely different organism. Proponents [...]

2019-03-16T12:32:58+11:00March 16th, 2019|

Is it necessary to prepare for Holy Communion?

Is it necessary to prepare for Holy Communion?   Holy Communion, also called the Eucharist, is not merely one of a number of sacred actions. It is at the very heart of the Church, without which the Church cannot be imagined. In this sacrament we receive the very Body and Blood of Christ. The fruits of worthy participation in Holy Communion are huge. Worthy participation is “for the forgiveness of our sins”. We receive a new life, the life of the Spirit, the life of sanctity. Jesus said: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink [...]

2019-03-16T12:20:16+11:00March 16th, 2019|

The Lenten Ladder

The Lenten Ladder   In the lead up to Pascha, we are slowly but steadily initiated into the Orthodox way of life through the period of Great Lent. Throughout these six weeks preceding Holy Week we are encouraged to: fast in order to detach from our desires; give alms so that we may connect with our neighbour; and, pray more than we usually do to be filled with the grace of God. As Pascha is the greatest feast on the liturgical calendar, it is also the best time to grow spiritually and to use each and every lead-up opportunity to [...]

2019-03-16T12:05:42+11:00March 16th, 2019|

Tears of Repentance

Tears of Repentance Saint Nicodemos Publications, 2015 The book ‘Tears of Repentance’ was written by Athansios (Thanasi) Katigas, a taxi driver in Thessaloniki, Greece. It contains a compilation of a few of Thanasi’s life-changing experiences through his spiritually rewarding conversations and interactions with passengers. These events were initially hidden by Thanasi, however in obedience to his spiritual father he has since humbly written the book to glorify Christ and to benefit many. Throughout his book Thanasi stresses the importance of repentance, confession and Holy Communion, the “boarding pass” to heaven. The chapter ‘My New Birthday’ expresses these points. Through God’s [...]

2019-01-29T20:12:51+11:00January 29th, 2019|
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