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What is the significance of Egypt?

Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Jesus all spent time in Egypt before returning to Israel. What is the significance of Egypt?   Egypt was already a great civilisation by the time it is first mentioned in the Bible. Abraham had gone to Egypt when there was a famine where he lived in Canaan. A few generations later, Joseph was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt. During the great famine, his whole family (and therefore the whole Israelite nation) moved to Egypt. Four hundred years later, it was Moses who delivered the Hebrews out the slavery and oppression of Egypt into [...]

2021-11-01T20:29:03+11:00November 1st, 2021|

St Anthousa

St Anthousa (Commemorated on the 13th of November)   On November 13, the Orthodox Church commemorates one of its most preeminent theologians and saints, John Chrysostom. There is no appropriate superlative to describe St John’s extraordinary contribution to the Christian faith. On that same day, we also commemorate St Anthousa, the mother of John Chrysostom. St Anthousa was born in the city of Antioch in approximately 347 AD. She was an intelligent woman who married Secundus, an officer in the army. Together the couple bore a son, whom they named John. At the age of twenty, Anthousa became a widow [...]

2021-11-01T20:11:26+11:00November 1st, 2021|

Atheism In Reverse

ATHEISM IN REVERSE In the previous issue of this periodical, we dealt with the development of Atheism, and the different ideological streams that were used to support its spread in the European landscape. In the beginning, the system of “Scholasticism” was set up ostensibly to help people find answers to the problems they had with their Faith, e.g. divine revelations, God’s grace, and other Christian teachings. The system appeared to support the existence of God, but without connection to the Church. The result was that history was distorted by “Relativism” (aligning teachings and dogmas to the concepts of the current [...]

2021-11-01T20:05:10+11:00November 1st, 2021|

2021 Seminar Series – Very Rev Fr Dimitri Kokkinos: “Comfort one another” – Taking on the suffering of others and the power of prayer

On Saturday 23 October, the 2021 Seminar Series hosted by the Greek Orthodox Christian Society on the theme “O God, You are my protector, Your mercy shall go before me” (Psalm 58: 10-11) concluded with a seminar given by the Very Reverend Father Dimitri Kokkinos, Parish Priest of the Parish of Saint Ioannis at Parramatta.   The title of Father Dimitri’s talk, ‘“Comfort one another” – Taking on the suffering of others and the power of prayer’, was taken from St Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians. In his usual humble manner, Father Dimitri started off by explaining that the [...]

2021-10-26T19:36:05+11:00October 26th, 2021|

2021 Seminar Series: Bishop Silouan of Sinope – Inner Spiritual Life

On Saturday 16 October, within the 2021 Seminar Series hosted by the Greek Orthodox Christian Society on the theme. “O God, You are my protector, Your mercy shall go before me” (Psalm 58: 10-11), His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, Archepiscopal Vicar of South Australia, gave a seminar on the ‘Inner Spiritual Life’ with a focus on the life and teachings on St Nektarios of Pentapolis. Before the commencement of the seminar, those in attendance were able to hear from representatives of Bishop Silouan’s flock in Adelaide, who reported on the recent success of the city’s inaugural Orthodox Sunday School [...]

2021-10-23T18:36:09+11:00October 23rd, 2021|
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