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How can we reduce anxiety in children, and can the Church help?

How can we reduce anxiety in our children, and can the Church help?   It appears that anxiety in children is on the rise. Whereas as recently as a generation ago, childhood was considered a carefree age, today, many children are frightened, stressed or anxious. Anxiety can look very different from one child to the next. Some children get physical symptoms such as a racing heart, palpitations or shaking. Others just have a sense of dread that something bad will happen. In severe cases, children are not able to go to school or get out of the house. Reasons for [...]

2017-09-08T10:38:04+10:00September 8th, 2017|

The Metastasis of St John the Theologian (Commemorated 26th Sept)

The Metastasis of St John the Theologian (Commemorated 26th September)   The Holy Apostle and Evangelist St John the Theologian spent the last years of his life in the city of Ephesus. When he grew weak from old age, he was no longer able to preach publicly as he used to. His unceasing sermon to his disciples was the constant repetition of the Lord’s commandment: “My little children, love one another”. According to Saint John’s biography by his beloved companion and disciple Saint Prochorus, when the Apostle had reached the age of 105 years and received from God the knowledge of [...]

2017-09-08T10:36:16+10:00September 8th, 2017|

Salvation: Do We Need It In Our Times? – Part B

Salvation: Do We Need It In Our Times? - Part B   Link to Part A: https://lychnos.org/salvation-do-we-need-it-in-our-times-part-a/   Salvation is the greatest gift of God to man, and this became a reality through Jesus Christ. His sacrifice liberates man from the tyranny of sin, the main instrument of the Devil, which degrades the human person spiritually, and afterwards bodily, leading to Death first of the soul and then of the body. Since man was created by God with the potential of living eternally, but lost this potential after his Fall, he can no longer attain Salvation, as he no longer [...]

2017-09-08T10:33:56+10:00September 8th, 2017|

The Greatest Sorrow

The Greatest Sorrow   The month of August is known otherwise as the month of Panagia. It is the month of her Dormition and her Ascension, for the Mother of our Lord truly ascended and was enthroned upon her heavenly throne, next to the majestic throne of her Son. Thus, becoming the queen of the heavens, the joy of the angels, the boast of the Apostles, jubilation of the Martyrs, glory and honour of the Saints, and for us, our hope and protection and unceasing mediator. She mediates because she cares. She cares because she is our mother and the [...]

2017-09-08T10:29:40+10:00September 8th, 2017|

Young Men’s Mid-Year Retreat

Starting in the evening of Friday 4th of August, 40 young men of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society attended their weekend retreat to Mangrove Mountain. The lessons centred around Panagia and the Transfiguration, in preparation for those upcoming feasts. For the first time at a mid-year retreat, the young men on attended a five-hour night vigil at Pantanassa Monastery to celebrate the Transfiguration of Christ. At the end of the camp, it was announced that around 10 members will be moving to the second group.

2017-08-19T17:11:04+10:00August 19th, 2017|
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