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St Symeon the Fool for Christ

St Symeon the Fool for Christ Commemorated on 21st July   St Symeon, who lived in the sixth century, had a remarkable life filled with wisdom and saintliness. He shared a blessed friendship with a man called John whom he met on a pilgrimage. They became monks at the same time and went into the desert, sharing its isolation together for thirty years. When Symeon received his calling to re-enter the world, John found it difficult to part with his dear friend. Symeon entered the town of Emesa dragging a dog carcass on a rope. His unique calling was to [...]

2017-07-16T03:08:41+10:00July 16th, 2017|

Salvation: Do We Need It In Our Times? – Part A

Salvation: Do We Need It In Our Times? - Part A   The concept of Salvation is as long as the history of human-kind. The word means to be saved or liberated from danger or harm. It assumes great significance in the spiritual realm, particularly since the arrival of Jesus Christ on earth. After all, this was the purpose of His arrival, to liberate man from the bondage of the devil, sin and death. In the Orthodox Church, all aspects of salvation are covered by the following definition: After the fall of original man, communication between man and God was [...]

2017-07-16T03:05:38+10:00July 16th, 2017|

Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men   As we approach the Feast of the Apostles, we are reminded of the work the first pioneers of our Faith completed to establish the Church. These men chosen by Jesus were commanded to preach the coming of the Kingdom of God. They had authority to heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons (Matt 10:8). By definition, an apostle (Greek ἀπόστολος) is one who is called by God and sent on a holy mission. This work was not in any way limited to the acts of the 12 main disciples, or even [...]

2017-07-16T02:58:17+10:00July 16th, 2017|

Visit to St Nicholas Parish, Darwin

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, a group of around 30 members of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society and their families, visited the parish of St Nicholas, Darwin, on the weekend of July 1-3. The group was very warmly received by Fr Joel Xanthos and the entire parish community. On the Saturday, the group took part in the Divine Liturgy commemorating St Kosmas and St Damianos, in which the President of the Society and lay-preacher, Dr John Psarommatis, delivered the sermon. After vespers on that day, a talk was given on the topic of “Spiritual Life”. During [...]

2018-02-17T07:44:25+11:00July 10th, 2017|

Young Adults

The Orthodox Christian Society meets on most Saturday nights during the year. In the young adults’ groups, we have the opportunity to undertake Bible study, consider the life of a Saint, the writings of the Fathers, or issues that relate to our Spiritual life in today’s world. Many of those in attendance are involved in the work of Sunday Schools, and we find that meeting on Saturday nights helps both preparing for Sunday School the next day, but more importantly for participation in the Divine Liturgy. The meetings provide a forum to study the Bible, the lives of Saints and [...]

2017-06-17T11:32:29+10:00June 17th, 2017|
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