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Afternoon Tea Fundraiser

On Saturday 27th May, the Greek Orthodox Christian Society organised an afternoon tea fundraiser at the main building in Bexley. The money raised was used for the construction work currently being done on the building, in particular, to finance the cost of the floorboards. In attendance was the Greek Consul General of Sydney, Dr Stavros Kyrimis. The event was well attended and over $23,000 was raised.

2017-06-10T10:15:26+10:00May 31st, 2017|

Easter Hospital Visits

Χριστός Ανέστη!  Christ is Risen! At 9am on Easter morning, members of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society gathered together to sing a few Easter songs and hymns. We then split into our different groups to visit the hospitals all over Sydney to bring the Easter joy to those who unfortunately cannot be at home. The hospitals visited were St George Public, Royal Prince Alfred, Royal Prince of Wales, Westmead, Bankstown, Concord and Canterbury.

2017-06-17T18:17:33+10:00April 20th, 2017|

The Illumined Heart by Frederica Mathewes-Green

The Illumined Heart by Frederica Mathewes-Green Published by Paraclete Press (2007) • Why are modern Christians so indistinguishable from everyone else? • How come Christians who lived in times of bloodly persecution were so heroic, while we who live in safety are not? • How could the first Christians fast valiantly, but we feel deprived without dessert? • How did the New Testament believers pray without ceasing? • How could the early Christian martyrs actually forgive their torturers? • What did the Christians of the first century know that we don't? That is what this book is about. Frederica Mathewes-Green [...]

2017-06-19T17:12:13+10:00April 19th, 2017|

Bringing the Holy Light Home

Bringing the Holy Light Home   At midnight on Easter Saturday the deep-toned voices of our Orthodox Liturgists all over the world, shout out the triumphal announcement, “Come receive the light, from the never-setting Light, and glorify Christ who has risen from the dead”! The faithful have awaited this moment from the beginning of Great Lent, when we have been urged as the Prodigal Son to return with deep repentance to the embrace of the loving Father. We have been encouraged to pray as the Publican with humility, “Lord have mercy on me”. We have witnessed the thief on the [...]

2017-06-19T17:08:51+10:00April 19th, 2017|
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