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Pascha: The Fountain of Life Eternal

Pascha: The Fountain of Life Eternal   The sacred readings and the divine hymns on the night of the Resurrection fill the hearts of every faithful and sincere Orthodox soul with heavenly sentiments, and strengthen their faith in the great victory of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, against the power of death and against the darkness of our worst enemy, the devil. We believe that all the blessings that derived from the Resurrection of our Lord, are also ours. In this world, we enjoy them within the Church, and we hope in the mercy of God and expect and hope that [...]

2017-06-19T16:21:08+10:00April 19th, 2017|

Greek Independence Day

On March 26, members of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society and their families participated in the commemoration of Greek Independence Day. The event began at Martin Place with a memorial service remembering those who fought in the war. Various church parishes, schools and Greek organisations then marched towards the Opera House, where his Eminence Archbishop Stylianos and several state and federal politicians spoke of the historical and spiritual importance of the day.

2017-08-19T17:07:31+10:00March 27th, 2017|


Sunday School Camp 2016 Sydney Town Hall 2015 - 60 Years Sunday School Concert Marrickville Town Hall 2015 - 60 Years Celebrations Annual Greek National Day Celebrations Volunteer Working Bees Children and Sunday Schools Interstate Missionary Trips Family Events and Parenting Talks Christmas Events Men's Spiritual Retreats Women's Spiritual Retreats Men's Trito Kyklo Group

2018-05-06T15:33:36+10:00March 16th, 2017|


Saints and Feasts Songs 60 Years Celebrations - Marrickville Town Hall 2016 History of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society 2016 Events

2017-12-22T06:40:26+11:00March 16th, 2017|
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