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The Arena of Virtues

The Arena of Virtues For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His face come knowledge and understanding; and He stores up salvation for the upright. He will protect their journey. (Prov 2:6-8, reading during the first Wednesday of Holy Lent) We tend to think of an arena today as a place where athletes compete in order to attain a precious prize. Winning such a prize requires practice, strenuous exercise, discipline and great determination. In the great sporting arenas of our times, superhuman effort is required to actually become a winner. The arena of virtues, in contrast to the sports arena, [...]

2017-05-02T11:21:31+10:00February 2nd, 2017|

A New Year, Has it a New Meaning for You?

A New Year, Has it a New Meaning for You?   Time is passing us by imperceptibly. The years follow one another and we would not know what year it is, were it not for the information abounding around us about its pending arrival. The New Year 2017 is already here and we all hope it will be better than the one before it. All of us were born at a particular moment in time, and entered the present world, inside which we will grow, develop qualities, knowledge, and abilities. Eventually, we will run the period of our stay here, [...]

2017-05-02T11:17:30+10:00February 2nd, 2017|

Synthema 2017: “Love in Deed and in Truth

On Saturday 7 January, members of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society, Orthodox Ladies Fellowship and the boys and girls from the youth fellowships (Ομάδες) gathered together for the unveiling of the synthema (motto) for 2017. The synthema provides a guiding focus for the events and camps throughout the year. The program began with prayer and the singing of traditional new year’s carols. The keynote speakers were Dr John Psarommatis, President of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society (in Greek) and Mrs Panayiota Kranidiotis (in English). The synthema for 2017 was taken from 1 John 3:18 «Αγαπώμεν εν έργω και αληθεία»  (“Love [...]

2017-06-17T18:20:04+10:00January 10th, 2017|

New Year’s Day Vigil

Starting at 9pm on New Year’s eve, members of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society and their families attended a vigil service for the celebration of St Basil’s feast day on January 1st. It also provided a nice opportunity to begin 2017 together at church.

2017-08-19T17:05:09+10:00January 1st, 2017|

Nursing Home Christmas Carols

In the week leading to Christmas, the Greek Orthodox Christian Society visited both the Castellorizian Nursing Home and St Basil’s Nursing Home. Through Christmas Carols, cards and greetings, the joy of Christ’s birth was brought to the residents of the nursing homes.

2017-08-19T17:03:04+10:00December 23rd, 2016|
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