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Lose Weight, Become a Saint

Lose Weight, Become a Saint 2016 Nobel Prize Winner Scientifically Proves that Fasting is Good for Health!   The Japanese Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine this year, for discovering the processes of how cells deal with their contents. The process of autophagy (αυτο-φαγία) is a purely Greek word, meaning "self-eating". When the organism is under stress (that is, has no access to substances it uses for its health - an example is fasting), it produces increased energy using its internal resources, consuming rubbish and even disease-producing bacteria that have accumulated inside it over the [...]

2017-03-19T20:14:46+11:00December 19th, 2016|

Christmas: In Pursuit of its Meaning

Christmas: In Pursuit of its Meaning   The birth of Christ is a mystery of our Faith. "And without controversy great is the mystery of piety" (1 Tit 3:16), declares the apostle Paul, and one can feel this mystery, only when it becomes his personal existential experience. But how can one penetrate the meaning of this mystery? He must knock on the door of Bethlehem, and follow the forgotten and ignored path leading to the Stable where God was made human. This path leads to the centre of Christianity, which is the birth of God, the Incarnation of His Son. [...]

2017-03-19T20:10:49+11:00December 19th, 2016|
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