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Orthodox Iconography, by Constantine Cavarnos

Orthodox Iconography, by Constantine Cavarnos Published by the Institute for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies, 1977 Orthodox iconography by Constantine Cavarnos has four chapters and begins with a brief history of iconography, explaining and outlining the origin of icons. The second chapter continues on to explain the locations of icons in our church. Chapter three then explains the seven functions of Holy Icons, namely: 1) They enhance the beauty of the church 2) They instruct us in matters related to the Christian faith 3) They remind us of this faith 4) They lift us up to the prototypes which they [...]

2017-02-28T16:53:14+11:00August 28th, 2016|

Vasiliko (Basil Herb)

Vasiliko (Basil Herb) The sweet smelling, aromatic herb known as Basil derives its name from the Greek word «βασιλικό» meaning royal or kingly plant. Tradition tells us that in the year 326AD, St Helen, the mother of St Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor of Rome, embarked on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in search of the True Cross of Christ. It is said that the sweet smelling scent of the vasiliko alerted her to discover the hiding place of the three crosses: the cross of Jesus, the repentant thief St Dismas, and the other thief Gestas. A dying man [...]

2017-02-28T16:48:37+11:00August 28th, 2016|

St John of Kronstadt – A Preparation for Confession

St John of Kronstadt - A Preparation for Confession St John of Kronstadt was a married Russian Orthodox Christian priest living in the 19th century. Below are some excerpts from a prayer he wrote titled 'A Preparation for Confession'. The complete prayer may be found at http://www.orthodox.net/confess/confmed.html “I, a sinful soul, confess to our Lord God and Savour Jesus Christ, all of my evil acts which I have done, said or thought from baptism even unto this present day. I have sinned before the Lord by ungratefulness for all of God's great and unceasing gifts; His long-suffering and His providence [...]

2017-02-28T16:46:04+11:00August 28th, 2016|

Katavasia 9th Ode: Elevation of the Cross

Katavasia 9th Ode: Elevation of the Cross Μυστικῶς εἶ Θεοτόκε Παράδεισος, ἀγεωργήτως βλαστήσασα Χριστόν, ὑφ' οὗ τὸ τοῦ Σταυροῦ, ζωηφόρον ἐν γῇ, πεφυτούργηται δένδρον· δι᾿ οὗ νῦν ὑψουμένου, προσκυνοῦντες αὐτὸν σὲ μεγαλύνομεν. Mystic Paradise are you, O Mother of God, who untilled brought forth Christ, who planted on the earth the life-giving Tree of the Cross. And so as it is raised today, we worship it and magnify you. Our Most Holy Mother of God is described in many patristic writings and hymns as the Paradise from which Christ came forth. In this ninth ode of the καταβασίες of the [...]

2017-02-28T16:41:22+11:00August 28th, 2016|

Elder Amphilochios (Makris) of Patmos

Elder Amphilochios (Makris) of Patmos The life of Elder Amphilochios of Patmos stands out in our day for the great fervour and love one man can have for our God, and the joy this love brings to those around him. He was born Athanasios in 1889 to simple and faithful parents, Emmanuel and Irene. He was a mature, spiritual child who insisted on fasting from a young age. At the age of seventeen, he answered the calling to monasticism and with zeal became a monk at the Holy Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Patmos. His enthusiasm showed, as he [...]

2017-02-28T16:37:45+11:00August 28th, 2016|
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