On the 23-25th September, this year’s annual Sunday School Camp took place in Somersby, near Gosford, in which a total of 59 children, primarily aged between 10 and 12 years, along with 14 teachers, spent three wonderful days together. The camp motto was ‘Parables’, with the ‘The Great Banquet’ being the overall theme. Fittingly, the Divine Liturgy on Wednesday morning, with Abbot Eusebios and the Fathers from Pantanassa Monastery, was the spiritual highlight of the Camp.

We have now entered the second decade in which these annual Sunday School Camps have been taking place, and both children and adults thank the Lord for this great blessing.

This year’s participants of Sunday School Camp with Abbot Eusebios following the Divine Liturgy Service.

This year’s participants of Sunday School Camp with Abbot Eusebios following the Divine Liturgy Service.