Words do not Change Reality

Words do not Change Reality   Every citizen born and raised in a Country where his forefathers lived and established themselves for centuries, loves and defends the place of his birth, and feels happy and secure only there. This is particularly true for the Greek people, who since antiquity the ideal was that their Country was superior to father, mother and anything else. The Spartan women when sending their sons to war, on giving them the Shield, the major armour of protection, were saying to them – “Come back either with it (as victor), or on it (as dead)”. The [...]

2018-07-02T19:46:09+10:00July 2nd, 2018|

Loneliness in Our Times

Loneliness in Our Times   Loneliness is the essence of being human. Each human being comes into the world alone, travels through life as a separate person and ultimately dies alone. Coping with this situation, accepting it, and learning how to manage his life with some degree of grace and satisfaction, is the human condition. The condition is complex, usually an unpleasant emotional response to isolation, and typically is associated with some degree of anxiety and even anger. An accurate definition is difficult, but roughly one can define loneliness as: a reduced degree of social interaction available to the individual, [...]

2018-04-14T09:15:44+10:00April 14th, 2018|

Digital Technology, Quantum Physics and Artificial Intelligence

Digital Technology, Quantum Physics and Artificial Intelligence   In our times, most of our machines and instruments used both at our work and our homes, in addition to those used in research, are powered by digital technology. In the first half of the 20th century, a scientific revolution took place. Eminent physicists, mostly Europeans, discovered what is now known as Quantum Physics theory, which provides information on how atoms work. The theory helps us make sense of the smaller things in nature (like protons, photons, neutrons and electrons). Quantum is a Latin word meaning “how much”, so a quantum of [...]

2018-03-04T19:55:31+11:00March 4th, 2018|

What was wrong by voting “NO”?

What was wrong by voting "NO"?   On November 15, the results of the plebiscite concerning SSM (Same Sex Marriage) were announced, showing a majority for the Yes vote at 61.6%. At the same time, the campaign was conducted more or less respectably on both sides, and accepted as won by the Yes advocates. What has become a matter of contention since the publication of the results is the continuous comments by the print and electronic media, discussing the fact that of the 17 national electorates who voted No, 12 were in NSW, whilst 7 of these were in Western [...]

2017-12-08T09:44:42+11:00December 8th, 2017|

In Defence of our Faith

In Defence of our Faith   The Government has recently announced that between September 12th and November 7th, Australians will be voting in a postal plebiscite concerning the question of re-defining marriage, so as to allow two persons of the same gender to marry. The slogan of the campaign is “Marriage Equality”. As citizens, we will have to decide according to the principle values each one holds. For the Christian, the matter becomes a question of conscience, as he/she would either have to support those who are asking for change, so as to attain equal status in society as the [...]

2017-10-12T14:05:29+11:00October 12th, 2017|
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