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Our Anchor of Hope

Our Anchor of Hope Today creation all is exultant and rejoices, for Christ has arisen, and Hades was despoiled … For You really and truly pledged that You will be with us unto the end of the age, O Christ. And we the faithful, clinging to Your promise, our anchor of hope, rejoice. Easter Sunday Matins   The significant historical events in the history of humanity that remain unsurpassed by other events are that God made humanity in His image and likeness, that humanity fell through disobedience to God, that God became human in the Person of Jesus Christ “for [...]

2021-07-09T17:43:04+10:00May 9th, 2021|

The Contribution of the Clergy in 1821

The third presentation by the Greek Orthodox Christian Society for the 200 Year Anniversary of the Greek War of Independence took place on Sunday the 18th of April in the Church Hall of St John’s Parramatta. The presentation depicted the variety of ways that the Clergy nurtured the hope of revolution during 400 dark years of Ottoman occupation, preserving the Greek Orthodox identity through education and Church life. Countless priests, monks and hierarchs stood side by side with the people in their sufferings; supported the revolutionaries in their activities and some of them even took up arms, inspiring and leading [...]

2021-05-03T18:11:58+10:00May 3rd, 2021|

Letter in response to ABC Article – 16-4-21

To whom it may concern The ABC recently published an article titled “Greek Orthodox Church took tens of millions in rent from aged care home at centre of deadliest COVID outbreak“. The article contains numerous inaccuracies connecting the rental paid by St Basil’s in Melbourne with the so called “lavish lifestyle” of our Primate, Archbishop Makarios. It then seeks to place the responsibility for the tragic deaths of residents at St Basil’s Nursing Home in Faulkner with His Eminence. No proof is provided or required to make these allegations – and no denial from His Eminence would be sufficient to [...]

2021-04-23T14:10:15+10:00April 23rd, 2021|

Theodoros Kolokotronis

Theodoros Kolokotronis was the theme for the second presentation by the Greek Orthodox Christian Society for the 200th anniversary of the 1821 Revolution, which took place at the Orthodox Mission Centre, 217 Bexley Rd, Kingsgrove, Sunday evening, 28th March 2021. Kolokotronis' life was presented through narration, poetry, song, and drama in such a way as to capture the heart and energy of the ‘Old Man of the Morea’. His Eminence, Archbishop Makarios was represented by the Very Reverend Fr Christodoulos of St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Marrickville as well as Professor Vasilis Adrahtas, Secretary of the National Committee for the [...]

2021-04-04T14:44:11+10:00April 1st, 2021|
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