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St Dorotheos of Gaza

St Dorotheos of Gaza (Commemorated 13th August)   Today we see Gaza, in Palestine, as a dangerous place, full of strife and conflict. In the sixth century AD however, it was a place of prayer and asceticism. We still read about the monastic fathers of this area such as St Barsanuphius, St John the Prophet and St Isaias. These Saints, along with St Dorotheos, were to influence St John Climacus (author of The Ladder of Divine Ascent). St Dorotheos lived from around the years 505 to 565. In his youth, he displayed a zeal for secular studies and philosophy. However [...]

2018-08-11T15:40:15+10:00August 11th, 2018|

The Miracle of Friendship

The Miracle of Friendship   There is abundant scientific evidence that a healthy human childhood, both physical as well as psychological, leads to better physical health in adult life, as well as being a balanced and welladjusted individual. One factor that contributes to these benefits is the feeling of mateship that connects two or more people, without any erotic desire, with the bond of friendship. Between true friends, there are feelings of respect, devotion and interest of the wellbeing for one another. Unfortunately, the current tsunami of social engineering sweeping the country at present, wants now to distort friendship - [...]

2018-08-11T14:27:13+10:00August 11th, 2018|

The Mother of Life

The Mother of Life   While most people ponder over what the meaning of life is, they tend to lose focus of what life is and where it comes from. Some say it is precious or is a gift, others say it is complicated and has its ups and downs; however, these accounts are too vague and superficial. When God created man the Scriptures say that He “breathed upon his face the breath of life, and the man became a living soul” (Gen 2:7). Our life originates from God Himself, as God lives, so too we receive life and we [...]

2018-08-11T14:24:49+10:00August 11th, 2018|

Visit to St John the Baptist Parish, Cairns

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, a group of around 20 members of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society visited the parish of St John the Baptist, Cairns, on the weekend of July 21-22. The group was very warmly received by Fr Menelaos Hatzoglou and the entire parish community. During the Divine Liturgy in which the young men of the Society chanted, the sermon was delivered by the President of the Society and lay-preacher, Dr John Psarommatis. After the Liturgy, an Orthodox Christian book exhibition took place, followed by a presentation of songs, a play and a spiritual [...]

2018-08-22T19:15:40+10:00July 25th, 2018|

Mid-Year Winter Retreats

From Friday 13 July to Sunday 15 July, boys from the youth fellowships (Ομάδες) of Kogarah, Belmore, Earlwood and Parramatta held their mid-year retreat at Mangrove Mountain, north of Sydney. The highlight of this retreat was the Divine Liturgy Service held at Pantanassa Monastery, celebrated by Abbot Eusebios, along with his subsequent talk which left a lasting impression on the boys. With games, discussions, Bible studies and other activities, the boys had a chance to get away from fast-paced Sydney and grow spiritually alongside other boys their age and their leaders. The girls held their camp from the 9-11th [...]

2019-11-14T10:28:34+11:00July 17th, 2018|
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