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Meson Girls Day

In the July school holidays, I had the amazing opportunity to attend the Meson Girls Day at Marrickville church. It was a beautiful day full of craft, games and songs. The first part of our schedule was outdoor activities. We walked around the corner to a small park. There we were spilt into groups and played a variety of games, including a mix of soccer and netball and an interesting game involving pegs. The next part of our schedule was lunch. As usual, the cooks catered for all and went above and beyond to make sure that everyone had [...]

2019-11-14T10:28:46+11:00July 5th, 2018|

The Divine Flame Elder Porphyrios Lit in my Heart

The Divine Flame Elder Porphyrios Lit in my Heart By Monk Agapios Published by The Holy Convent of the Transfiguration of the Saviour, 2003   St Porphyrios (1906-1991) was a monk from Mount Athos whose ill health forced him to leave his monastic community at a young age and serve as a spiritual father in the world. He was endowed with many gifts of the Holy Spirit which allowed him to provide spiritual guidance to the many faithful who came to him. The Divine Flame Elder Porphyrios Lit in My Heart is a short book recounting a series of conversations [...]

2018-07-02T20:05:25+10:00July 2nd, 2018|

Mnimosina (Memorial Services)

Mnimosina (Memorial Services)   The Mnimosino (calling to memory) is a prayer service conducted, often at the end of the Divine Liturgy, for our departed loved ones. The service is composed of psalms, litanies, hymns and prayers. These services can also be conducted at a grave site or at other times in church. He In the Mnimosino we ask God to show mercy and forgive the sins of the departed, whether committed in word, deed or thought, whether done in knowledge or in ignorance. To grant rest to their souls and life everlasting, as only He who overcame death can [...]

2018-07-02T20:03:59+10:00July 2nd, 2018|

The First Apology of Justin Martyr

The First Apology of Justin Martyr   In the middle of the second century, a fearless philosopher, who later came to be known as Justin the Martyr, delivered a zealous apology of the Christian Faith to the emperor Antoninus Pius and the Roman Senate. St Justin the Martyr, a Roman of Samaria, became the earliest Christian Apologist, launching a rich tradition that flowed through early Christianity and aided in the formalisation of accepted Christian teaching. On its surface, the First Apology (there were two) appears to be a petition to the emperor and Senate for the repeal of laws persecuting [...]

2018-07-02T20:02:20+10:00July 2nd, 2018|

Entrance Hymn from the Divine Liturgy

Entrance Hymn from the Divine Liturgy Δεῦτε προσκυνήσωμεν καὶ προσπέσωμεν Χριστῷ. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ   This hymn is the entrance hymn used in most Sunday and weekday Holy Liturgies of the Church Calendar (different hymns are used on the major feast days). It is called an entrance hymn because it is chanted as the priest, holding the Holy Gospel in an elevated position, enters the Sanctuary to complete the Little Entrance. Nowadays, the Little Entrance is more of a symbolic procession, as it begins where it ends (in the Sanctuary). However, up until the [...]

2018-07-02T20:01:18+10:00July 2nd, 2018|
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