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How is it possible to believe in God in the 21st century?

How is it possible to believe in God in the 21st century?   Many do not understand the concept of faith. They think that Christians are weak intellectually, believing with insufficient evidence. Atheists often adhere to an unproven underlying assumption, that reason is the highest way to find truth. They have not understood that faith is actually a very positive attribute. Jesus thanked God the Father for not just revealing His truth to the intellectuals, but for sending His gift of faith to the humble. He said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden [...]

2017-10-12T14:10:53+11:00October 12th, 2017|

Saint Longinus (Commemorated 16th October)

Saint Longinus (Commemorated 16th October)   Saint Longinus was the centurion under the command of Pontius Pilate who was present at the Crucifixion of Christ. According to the Holy Evangelist Matthew, ‘when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, “Truly this was the Son of God!”’ (Matt 27:54). This faith of Longinus was perfected when he became a witness to the Resurrection of our Lord. When the chief priests bribed the soldiers, Longinus and two of his soldiers refused to keep silent but instead [...]

2017-10-12T14:07:25+11:00October 12th, 2017|

In Defence of our Faith

In Defence of our Faith   The Government has recently announced that between September 12th and November 7th, Australians will be voting in a postal plebiscite concerning the question of re-defining marriage, so as to allow two persons of the same gender to marry. The slogan of the campaign is “Marriage Equality”. As citizens, we will have to decide according to the principle values each one holds. For the Christian, the matter becomes a question of conscience, as he/she would either have to support those who are asking for change, so as to attain equal status in society as the [...]

2017-10-12T14:05:29+11:00October 12th, 2017|

Wealth and Possessions

Wealth and Possessions   We live in an age where many things are assigned a dollar value. “Everything costs”. “Time is money”. The value of a business is determined by its dollar turnover. Natural disasters are rated according to the cost of the damage caused. Even people are rated on their net worth. The Church puts forward Saints Kosmas and Damian (celebrated on 1st November) as examples of the correct attitude towards money and wealth. These brothers were well educated and became doctors. They travelled widely and healed all types of illnesses in people and animals. So why are they [...]

2017-10-12T14:03:14+11:00October 12th, 2017|

Annual Sunday School Picnic

On Monday 2nd October, during the Labour Day long weekend, children from all the parishes in Sydney came together at Centennial Park for the Annual Sunday School Picnic. The picnic was filled with exciting games and fun races for all ages. His Eminence, Archbishop Stylianos and His Grace, Bishop Iakovos addressed the children and parents, recognising the importance of Sunday School and about, St Styllainos, the protector of children. The day involved friendly competition between the parishes, with some parishes forming an alliance together. Children who participated in the activities received points for their parish’s team. The various games [...]

2017-10-05T21:22:46+11:00October 5th, 2017|
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