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2021 Seminar Series: Fr Anastasios Bozikis – Kollyva & Communion: An 18th Century Crisis on Mt Athos

On Saturday the 9th of October at 8 pm, the Very Reverend Father Anastasios Bozikis, Parish Priest at St Nektarios in Wollongong and Lecturer at St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College, conducted the fourth seminar in the Greek Orthodox Christian Society’s 2021 Seminar Series via Zoom. Father Anastasios considered the Series theme, “O God, You are my protector, Your mercy shall go before me” (Psalm 58: 10-11) by speaking on “Kollyva & Communion: An 18th Century Crisis on Mt Athos”. After songs by the young men and women's Virtual Choirs of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society, Father Anastasios introduced the [...]

2021-10-12T18:10:53+11:00October 12th, 2021|

2021 Seminar Series: Abbot Eusebios of Pantanassa Monastery – The Cross-Bearing Christian

On Sunday, 26th September at 4 pm, as part of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society’s 2021 seminar series over Zoom, the Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Pantanassa, Geronda Eusebios Pantanassiotis, presented his talk on ‘The Cross-Bearing Christian’. Geronda Eusebios first spoke about the meanings of the Holy Cross for Christians through the ages, where before Christ’s sacrifice, the cross was a symbol of suffering and humiliation. However, it was Christ’s death and resurrection which transformed this symbol into the emblem of the Church, a symbol of God’s infinite love for humanity, and the path towards salvation. He followed on [...]

2021-09-27T11:03:47+10:00September 27th, 2021|

2021 Seminar Series: Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon – The obligations of the living towards the ones who have fallen asleep

On Saturday 18 September at 7pm, the second seminar in the Greek Orthodox Christian Society’s 2021 Seminar Series was held on Zoom. His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon – Archepiscopal Vicar of Western Australia – considered the Series theme, “O God, You are my protector, Your mercy shall go before me” (Psalm 58: 10-11) by speaking on “The obligations of the living towards the ones who have fallen asleep.” After songs by the young mens’ and womens’ Virtual Choirs of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society and Orthodox Ladies Fellowship, His Grace Bishop Elpidios spoke on the obligations which those who [...]

2021-09-19T13:46:23+10:00September 19th, 2021|

2021 Seminar Series: “O God, You are my protector, Your mercy shall go before me”

On Sunday 12 September at 4pm, the first seminar in the Greek Orthodox Christian Society’s 2021 Seminar Series was held on Zoom. The topic for the first seminar was the topic of the Series as a whole: “O God, You are my protector, Your mercy shall go before me” (Psalm 58: 10:11).   After chanting and songs by the young mens’ and womens’ Virtual Choirs of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society and Orthodox Ladies Fellowship, Dr John Psarommatis spoke on the theme of the seminar. He highlighted how God is the protector of the faithful, and provided some words of [...]

2021-09-16T13:32:48+10:00September 16th, 2021|

Who for us and for our salvation…

Our Creed   “Who for us and for our salvation, came down from Heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became human” The concluding phrase of the third article of our Creed, “and became human”, contains profound theological depth and far-reaching consequences for our salvation. The attempt to define who Christ is proved to be the greatest point of contention for the Church over many centuries, forming the focal point of many Ecumenical Councils. To this day, the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ ‘provokes’ every person of faith to consider their own human [...]

2021-09-13T21:45:03+10:00September 13th, 2021|
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